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Англо-русский словарь - direct


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Перевод с английского языка direct на русский

discussion непосредственные, прямые переговоры
DIRECT taxes прямые налоги
DIRECT (laying) fire mil. огонь, стрельба прямой наводкой
DIRECT drive прямая передача
DIRECT influence непосредственное влияние
DIRECT descendant потомок по прямой линии
DIRECT hit mil. прямое попадание
DIRECT marketing noun see direct mail
DIRECT mail noun метод маркетинга, при котором компании рассылают образцы своей продукции потенциальным заказчикам
DIRECT oration прямая речь
DIRECT speech прямая речь
DIRECT current постоянный ток
DIRECT pointing amer.; mil. прямая наводка
DIRECT opposite прямая противоположность
 1. adj.
 1) прямой; direct road - прямая дорога
 2) прямой, непосредственный, личный - direct descendant - direct influence - direct drive - direct laying fire - direct hit - direct pointing
 3) полный, абсолютный direct opposite - полная (диаметральная) противоположность
 4) прямой, открытый; ясный; правдивый direct answer - прямой, неуклончивый ответ
 5) gram. прямой - direct speech
 6) astr. движущийся с запада на восток
 7) electr. постоянный - direct current
 2. adv. прямо, непосредственно
 3. v.
 1) руководить; управлять to direct a business - руководить предприятием, фирмой
 2) направлять to direct ones remarks (efforts, attention) (to) - направлять свои замечания (усилия, внимание) (на); to direct ones eyes - обратить свой взор to direct ones steps - направляться
 3) адресовать to direct a parcel - адресовать посылку
 4) нацеливать(ся)
 5) указывать дорогу Can you direct me to the post-office? - Не скажете ли вы мне, как пройти на почту?
 6) приказывать do as you are directed - делайте, как вам приказано
 7) дирижировать (оркестром, хором)
 8) theatr. ставить (о режиссере)
 9) подсказывать, побуждать, направлять duty directs my actions - всеми моими поступками руководит чувство долга Syn: see control
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См. в других словарях

  1. прямой direct road —- прямая дорога in the direct line —- по прямой линии in a direct line with smth. —- на одной линии с чем-л. direct motion —- муз. параллельное голосоведение 2. прямой, открытый; правдивый; ясный, недвусмысленный direct person —- прямой человек direct statement —- ясное (недвусмысленное) заявление direct charge —- открытое обвинение 3. очевидный, явный direct lie —- явная ложь direct contradiction —- явное (очевидное) противоречие 4. прямой, непосредственный direct influence —- непосредственное влияние direct contact —- непосредственный контакт direct knowledge —- сведения из первоисточника direct communication —- непосредственная связь direct tax —- прямой налог direct method —- прямой метод (в педагогике) direct action —- прямые действия (забастовка, демонстрация и т. п.) to take direct action —- объявлять забастовку, бастовать direct evidence —- юр. прямые доказательства direct reading —- тех. прямой отсчет direct drive —- тех. прямая передача direct process —- процесс непосредственного получения железа из руд, бездоменный процесс direct hit —- воен. прямое попадание direct fire —- воен. огонь прямой наводкой, огонь с открытых позиций direct laying —- воен. прямая наводка direct position —- воен. открытая (огневая) позиция direct pressure (pursuit) —- воен. фронтальное преследование...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. гл. 1) направлять, указывать, адресовать 2) управлять, руководить, править 3) показывать • - Direct Materials - direct a business - direct broadcasting satellite - direct comparison - direct competition - direct costing - direct deposit to payroll - direct dialing - direct evidence - direct exchange - direct execution - direct expenses - direct exporting - direct financing - direct foreign investment - direct inquiries to - direct investments - direct labor - direct leasing - direct lineal descendant - direct loan - direct losses - direct marketing - direct material - direct obligation - direct operating costs - direct response - direct restrictions - direct settlement - direct transfer - direct violation - direct work Syn: head, be in charge of, lead, manage 2. прил. 1) прямой, непосредственный 2) открытый, ясный 3) правдивый • - direct action - direct bonus payment - direct communication - direct contact - direct cost - direct costing - direct labour - direct labour standard - direct mailer - direct man-hours - direct observation - direct project cost 3. нареч. 1) прямо 2) непосредственно 3) сразу DIRECT 1. прил. 1) общ. прямой direct road — прямая дорога in the direct line — по прямой (линии) Syn: "straight 2) общ. прямой, открытый, откровенный, правдивый; ясный, недвусмысленный, очевидный, явный direct person question, reply — прямой человек вопрос, ответ direct statement — ясное (недвусмысленное) заявление direct lie — явная ложь direct contradiction — очевидное противоречие Syn: "natural, straightforward, honest 3) общ. прямой, непосредственный direct knowledge — сведения из первоисточника direct communication —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бездоменный 2) направлять 3) непосредственно 4) непосредственный 5) однофазный 6) ориентировать 7) прямой 8) руководствоваться absolute direct summand — абсолютное прямое слагаемое absolutely direct indecomposable system — абсолютно декартово неразложимая система almost direct product — почти прямое произведение complete direct product — полное прямое произведение complete direct sum — полная прямая сумма diffusion by direct interchange — диффузия прямым обменом direct forward run — прямой процесс direct immediate successor — непосредственно следующий (за данным) элемент direct capacitance to earth — частичная емкость на земле direct cohomology group — прямая группа когомологий direct computation gives — непосредственное вычисление дает direct current injection — инжекция прямого тока direct digital control — прямое цифровое управление direct driven antenna — активная антенна direct effect mean — среднее основного эффекта (факторного эксперимента) direct homology group — прямая группа гомологий direct indecomposable group — неразложимая в прямое произведение группа direct labor expenditure — прямые затраты труда direct memory access — прямой доступ к памяти direct method of measurement — прямой метод измерения direct modulated laser — лазер с внутренней модуляцией direct ore-reduction process — бездоменный процесс direct oxidation test — испытание прямым...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  направлять; адресовать (при сортировке, напр. почты) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., adv., & v. --adj. 1 extending or moving in a straight line or by the shortest route; not crooked or circuitous. 2 a straightforward; going straight to the point. b frank; not ambiguous. 3 without intermediaries or the intervention of other factors (direct rule; the direct result; made a direct approach). 4 (of descent) lineal, not collateral. 5 exact, complete, greatest possible (esp. where contrast is implied) (the direct opposite). 6 Mus. (of an interval or chord) not inverted. 7 Astron. (of planetary etc. motion) proceeding from East to West; not retrograde. --adv. 1 in a direct way or manner; without an intermediary or intervening factor (dealt with them direct). 2 frankly; without evasion. 3 by a direct route (send it direct to London). --v.tr. 1 control, guide; govern the movements of. 2 (foll. by to + infin., or that + clause) give a formal order or command to. 3 (foll. by to) a address or give indications for the delivery of (a letter etc.). b tell or show (a person) the way to a destination. 4 (foll. by at, to, towards) a point, aim, or cause (a blow or missile) to move in a certain direction. b point or address (one's attention, a remark, etc.). 5 guide as an adviser, as a principle, etc. (I do as duty directs me). 6 a (also absol.) supervise the performing, staging, etc., of (a film, play, etc.). b supervise the performance of (an actor etc.). 7 (also absol.) guide the performance of (a group of musicians), esp. as a participant. Phrases and idioms direct access the facility of retrieving data immediately from any part of a computer file. direct action action such as a strike or sabotage directly affecting the community and meant to reinforce demands on a government, employer, etc. direct address Computing an address (see ADDRESS n. 1c) which specifies the location of data to be used in an operation. direct current an electric current flowing in one direction only. Usage Abbr.: DC, d.c. direct debit an arrangement for the regular debiting of a bank account at the request of the payee. direct-grant school hist. (in...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~er, from Latin ~us straight, from past participle of dirigere to ~ — more at dress  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. obsolete to write (a letter) to a person  b. to mark with the name and address of the intended recipient  c. to impart orally  d. to adapt in expression so as to have particular applicability a lawyer who ~s his appeals to intelligence  2.  a. to regulate the activities or course of  b. to carry out the organizing, energizing, and supervising of ~ a project  c. to dominate and determine the course of  d. to train and lead performances of ~ a movie  3. to cause to turn, move, or point undeviatingly or to follow a straight course X rays are ~ed through the body  4. to point, extend, or project in a specified line or course ~ the nozzle downward  5. to request or enjoin with authority the judge ~ed the jury to acquit the defendant  6. to show or point out the way for signs ~ing us to the entrance  intransitive verb  1. to point out, prescribe, or determine a course or procedure  2. to act as ~or  Synonyms: see command, conduct  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~us  Date: 15th century  1. having or being motion in the general planetary ~ion from west to east ; not retrograde  2.  a. stemming immediately from a source ~ result  b. being or passing in a straight line of descent from parent to offspring ; lineal ~ ancestor  c. having no compromising or impairing element a ~ insult  3.  a. proceeding from one point to another in time or space without deviation or interruption ; straight a ~ line  b. proceeding by the shortest way the ~ route  4. natural, straightforward a ~ manner  5.  a. marked by absence of an intervening agency, instrumentality, or influence making ~ observations of nature  b. effected by the action of the people or the electorate and not by representatives ~ democracy  c. consisting of or reproducing the exact words of a speaker or writer a ~...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (directs, directing, directed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Direct means moving towards a place or object, without changing direction and without stopping, for example in a journey. They’d come on a direct flight from Athens. ? indirect ADJ: usu ADJ n • Direct is also an adverb. You can fly direct to Amsterdam from most British airports. ADV: ADV after v • directly The jumbo jet is due to fly the hostages directly back to London. ADV: ADV after v 2. If something is in direct heat or light, it is strongly affected by the heat or light, because there is nothing between it and the source of heat or light to protect it. Medicines should be stored away from direct sunlight... ADJ: ADJ n 3. You use direct to describe an experience, activity, or system which only involves the people, actions, or things that are necessary to make it happen. He has direct experience of the process of privatisation... He seemed to be in direct contact with the Boss... ADJ: usu ADJ n • Direct is also an adverb. I can deal direct with your Inspector Kimble... ADV: ADV after v • directly We cannot measure pain directly. It can only be estimated... ADV: ADV with v 4. You use direct to emphasize the closeness of a connection between two things. They were unable to prove that she died as a direct result of his injection... ? indirect ADJ: usu ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 5. If you describe a person or their behaviour as direct, you mean that they are honest and open, and say exactly what they mean. He avoided giving a direct answer... ? indirect ADJ • directly At your first meeting, explain simply and directly what you hope to achieve... ADV: ADV after v • directness Using ‘I’ adds directness to a piece of writing... N-UNCOUNT 6. If you direct something at a particular thing, you aim or point it at that thing. I directed the extinguisher at the fire without effect... = aim VERB: V n at/towards/on n 7. If your...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »WITHOUT ANYTHING BETWEEN« done without any other people, actions, processes etc coming between  (Can we have direct access to the information on file? | She has direct control over the business. | I'm not in direct contact with them.) 2 »FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER« going straight from one place to another without stopping or changing direction  (Which is the most direct route to London? | We can get a direct flight to New York.) 3 »EFFECT« likely to change something immediately  (The change in the law will have a direct bearing on the way benefits are calculated.) 4 »EXACT« only before noun exact or total  (Weight increases in direct proportion to mass. | These ideas are in direct contrast with the themes of her earlier essays. | direct quote (=what someone said in their exact words)) 5 »BEHAVIOUR/ATTITUDE« saying exactly what you mean in an honest clear way  (If only she'd been less direct in her approach, he might have helped.) 6 direct descendant someone who is related to someone else through their parents and grandparents, not through their aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters etc  (She claimed to be a direct descendant of Wordsworth.) 7 direct result/consequence something that happens only because of one particular thing  (They were suffering from stress, and their physical symptoms were a direct result.) 8 direct question/answer a question that asks for information exactly and specifically, with no possibility of misunderstanding, or an answer that gives information in this way  (Now, let me ask you a direct question, and I expect a direct answer.) 9 direct heat/sunlight strong heat or sunlight that someone or something is not protected from  (Never change the film in direct sunlight.)  (- opposite indirect) ~2 v 1 »AIM« always + adv/prep to aim something in a particular direction or at a particular person, group etc + at/towards/away from etc  (The machine directs an X-ray beam at the patient's body. | For once her sarcasm was not directed at us. | Environmental policy was traditionally directed at...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Driver Information Experimenting with Communication Technology astronom. abbr. Demanding Integrity Responsibility Ethical Conduct And Truthfulness ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1385, from L. directus "straight," pp. of dirigere "set straight," from dis- "apart" + regere "to guide." Directory "alphabetical listing of inhabitants of a region" is from 1732. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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